Sunday, April 26, 2009


people keep wondering why they keep chasing pavements. it's a silly thought. i mean, you don't even know where they lead to. downhill, uphill, never-ending .. ? and in some cases, you already know it's a steep path and you might fall but you keep chasing anyways. but i guess we're only human. it is in our nature to chase after our heart's desire. rationality only kicks in second. and honestly, maybe the odds are with us this time. because i'm guessing we've all been down a path where we thought we knew the destination and end up getting burnt. so why would it be any different if we choose 'the road not taken' instead? at least this time, even if we do trip and fall along the way, we'd know it in our hearts that we tried, we gave it our all, we fulfilled our heart's desire - sometimes it's all about the journey, remember? and hey, we would not lose out on expectations and hopes either because subconsciously, you wouldn't invest more in something you can't see or touch. so with minimal hopes, heart's desire burning, excitement and a huge smile on your face, i say, go chase the yellow brick road :)


Anonymous said...

I think it's time to tell the truth about this little journey of yours....

sheena said...

whateverrrrr do you mean? lol