Thursday, February 19, 2009

the remedy

there are people who love to play God. people who feel obligated and concerned about others. genuinely, i suppose. so they proceed to do what they think is best to remedy the situation. and most of the time, things do work out. but people fail to see their own flaws. they forget they're only human and the human is prone to making an error in judgment once in a while. they cannot foresee the complete effect of their 'remedies' although they'd like to think they know it all. this is when help spirals into unnecessary heartache and tears for the people involved. but alas, you cannot blame these people who love to play God. but can you shy your eyes away from the people who've become hurt? perhaps it's time to learn to accept the fact that sometimes ignorance is the answer.

1 comment:

sythen said...

heh.. well said. ignorance can indeed be bliss, and it isnt always a bad thing.. but er, yeah. hi sherlene's hsemate!