Wednesday, January 14, 2009


one of the many songs that keep you company at 4am.

P/S: i have decided to fly back to KK for the entire month of february. despite how homesick i am & how much i rave about loving home, i don't know why there's this teeny tiny part of me that feels heavy to leave brisbane again.

P/P/S: i realise how much of a people pleaser i am.

P/P/P/S: i blame 'grey's anatomy' for this blog entry at 4am. damn free tv shows online.

* * *


lennie... said...

aww... will miss u babe. :) and we'll be fine here.

and btw, 4AM?!?!?!!

Wyn said...

haha sheena not following sherlene's change-my-life routine thingie is it? anyway,see you chinese new year! haha.. :D

btw the song is very nice. who sang it?