last week my folks and i drove to Papar to visit great grandma. that's her and aunty betty. they're both celebrating their birthdays. sometimes i wonder if i could survive living in kampungs. the things i'd do: fishing .. fishing .. and well, fishing. lol. hmm, and maybe organise snail races.

that's the oldest dog of mine. don't laugh .. his name is 'puppy'. it's one of the rarest photos of him because he never looks at the camera and practically runs for dear life when one is within 1 ft of him. weird dog. yes, i realised that i've been referring my dog as 'him'.
rain's pretty much gone after the last day of chinese new year. it was raining every freakin' day before , i tell you. funny, huh. anyway, i kinda miss it but at least clothes dry faster now and it's easier to get around to places.
valentine's is tomorrow. i'm not dreading it. i've kept constant with daddy, making sure he buys mummy flowers. lol. dad's pretty clueless sometimes but i don't blame him. it's part of his charm. bugger! dinner reservations! forgot about that. crap. crap. crap. anyway, am off. happy valentine's day to everyone in advance! :)
gosh valentine's day whattado whattado whattado whattado whattado
:) happy vday sweety pie! xoxxox
p.s: no, u wont survive in the kampung.. but i promise i'll join the snail race if u host one. :)
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